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Abstract: The article deals with the use of recording equipment in concert activity and educational process in the class of a musical instrument. The ways of the joint work of students and teachers with the means of sound recording are presented: listening to the music played by various artists, and listening to the music played by the students themselves. These ways allow students to get acquainted with the various interpretations of the chosen work, and also to analyze their own interpretation of this music. For a musician, the perception and analysis of his own performance involves: an attentive listening to the musical tissue; emotional playing, awareness of the quality of performance; all these contribute to the appearance of an appropriate performing reaction. Video recording allows you not only to hear yourself «from the outside», but also to see your performance, which helps to eliminate the muscle clamps of the performing apparatus. The article presents an algorithm for forming the skill of auditory self-control and analysis of one's own performance, including: the student's performance of musical works and recording (audio or video) of this performance, made by the student or by the teacher; joint analysis with the teacher of the performance recording; development of an action plan for the correction of performance defects; the second attempt to play and record the music by the student; comparison with initial performance and identification of positive changes. The article presents an analysis of student’s performance of a musical composition at the initial and final stage, including: an evaluation of expressive intonation; determination of the presence of a balance of melody voices and accompaniment in a homophonic-harmonious presentation, clearness of the texture of voices in the works of the polyphonic structure; evaluation of tempo-rhythmic stability, coverage of the form; the specification of pedalization, the identification of the conformity of the performance to the style of the composer and the epoch; clarification of the nuances, timbres of sound. The article is addressed to teachers and students of secondary and higher educational institutions.
Key words: Video recording; audio recording; ways of working; students; auditory self-control; music education; performance analysis; music perception.

For citation

Turutov, A. I. Use of Video and Audio Recording as One of the Ways to Activate Auditory Self-control Among Students in the Class of a Musical Instrument / A. I. Turutov, A. V. Polyakov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №12. – P. 130-134.