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Monograph Review: “Definitions of Pedagogy and Education”
- Hits: 288
- Рубрика: REVIEWS
- Файл статьи: PDF
Abstract: This multi-authored monograph “Definitions of Pedagogy and Education” is devoted to the discussion of the discourse of concepts and definitions. The previous issues described competence-based approach , modernization of education, etc. The 9th issue scrutinizes the problems of definitions, caused by innovative processes in Russian education. The category “innovation” is studied, as well as the notions and phenomena that arise out of it. The review author underlines the topicality of this monograph and describes its content; besides she stresses its worth, as it gives a serious theoretical and methodological overview of the problems of modern Pedagogy. The monograph has a great potential as it discloses such aspects of innovative activity that allow propelling educational system to the next level.
Key words: Innovations in education; innovative processes; innovative activity; concepts; notions; review.
For citation
Karnaukh, N. V. Monograph Review: “Definitions of Pedagogy and Education” / N. V. Karnaukh // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №2. – P. 94-95.