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On the Issue of Assessing Professional Competencies of Bachelors in Jurisprudence in Distance Learning
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Abstract: The article deals with the current problem of assessment of the level of competence formation of students using distance learning technologies from the point of view of the competence-based approach. The article outlines the problem of updating of the system of higher practice-based legal education and elimination of predominance of quantitative indicators over qualitative characteristics of future lawyers. Low level of professional training was noted by the graduates, universities and future employers. Attention is drawn to the competence-based approach, prevailing in the system of higher legal education; the difference of the concepts "professional competence" and "competence" is discussed. The article characterizes Federal State Educational Standards for training Bachelors and Masters in field of Law. The peculiarities of professional legal activities are described. The article enumerates the basic principles that should build evaluation procedure and types of assessment tools. The characteristics of methods of assessment and evaluation of professional competence of lawyers is given. The types of assessment tools in the conditions of distance learning and tools measuring psychological characteristics of the activities of a future lawyer are described as a system. To automate the evaluation we propose learning management system LSM Moodle, which allows to increase the amount of information collected about the results of formation of professional competence of the lawyer and provides the opportunity of rapid processing and reporting. The article shows the methods of evaluation of professional competencies in relation to their implementation in the distance learning system LMS Moodle. It also outlines the key insights, allowing to identify the direction of current developments designed to provide both the university and centralized evaluation of the educational results of students of the distance learning programs.
Key words: Professional competence; competence; Bachelor’s Degree; lawyer; distance learning; training of lawyers; IT technologies.
For citation
Ektov, A. V. On the Issue of Assessing Professional Competencies of Bachelors in Jurisprudence in Distance Learning / A. V. Ektov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №4. – P. 87-94.