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Organization of the Training Process for Foreign Language in Modern Conditions: Problems of Modern Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and the Ways of Their Solutions
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Abstract: Based on the results of the methodological and pedagogical research analysis, the article highlights the problems of methodology for foreign languages classroom teaching using some elements of e-training and modern Internet resources. Modern achievements in the sphere of e-resources makes our life easier, solving some communicative problems. But, in the educational process some of the electronic resources show themselves negatively and have harmful effect. Moreover, we try to solve some psychological problems which many students of technical specialties can face. So, we offer an idea to keep the necessary scope of educational material, but it should be reorganized, so that the students might easily work with it. The goal of the article is to find ideas that would help to develop a methodology for teaching students a foreign language on a high level without serious expenses. It is also important to optimize the work of students and teachers, to organize self-training study and facilitate rapid learning and reduce harmful effect of using e-resources.
The results of the research were obtained in the experiment in different groups of students with basic level of English. All of them are students of technical and economic specialties. They take the common course with the elements of electronic education. So, initially they had equal opportunities and practically the same basic knowledge in the foreign language. The authors consider the ways to improve the foreign languages teaching methodology at the university on the modern high-tech level. The methodology proposes work in an academic group and to solve the problems caused by lack of time during independent work at home. The proposed common principles will help to organize the process of teaching in any academic subjects.
Key words: Foreign languages; methods of teaching foreign languages; methods of teaching foreign languages at university; on-line course; IT-technologies; class work; independent work; tutorial; supervision; work with texts; e-translator.
For citation
Kabanov, A. M. Organization of the Training Process for Foreign Language in Modern Conditions: Problems of Modern Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and the Ways of Their Solutions / A. M. Kabanov, L. G. Yusupova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №4. – P. 81-86.