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Critical Media Literacy Education: Neglect and Provision (Global and Local Considerations)
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Abstract: The article addresses problem zones of adequate critical media literacy education provision: lack of reliable assessment scales or tools within MLE, lack of teacher preparedness and teacher training, the fact that in many countries (including Russian Federation) media literacy is not addressed and made explicit in standards of education. The focal point of the publication is coordination across disciplines studying media literacy at university level. Needs analysis of Urals State Pedagogical University Foreign Languages Department is presented through parallel study of junior and senior students’ and staff questionnaires. Questionnaire analysis resulted in grading curricular components on the basis of their effectiveness in MLE and identifying the following major gaps in MLE provision: 1) there is a lack of focus on ethical awareness and media evaluation components; 2) disciplines of core curriculum generally do not contribute to media literacy provision; 3) there should be more focus on methodological aspect of MLE; 4) course specificity is not taken into consideration when a particular MLE tool is selected; 5) there is a lack of task-based activities that keep media literacy skills operational. Principles of cross-curricular course mapped out in the article comprise contextualization of CML activities within discipline framework, close integration of IT and EGP disciplines and focus on skills transferrable to other ELT contexts. Constructing, implementing this course and testing its effectiveness are identified as perspective to this emerging research.
Key words: Media education; media competence; integrated courses; educational needs; system and activity-based approach; training course; students; IT technology; foreign languages.
For citation
Makeyeva, S. O. Critical Media Literacy Education: Neglect and Provision (Global and Local Considerations) / S. O. Makeyeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №4. – P. 25-31 .