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Social Partnership for Implementation of Student Patriotic Projects (Based on the All-Russian Patriotic Project "Living History")
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Abstract: Patriotic education of students is one of the priority tasks of the educational process in universities. In order to develop the students' duty and responsibility to the homeland, readiness to defend the Fatherland, to create a feeling of love and attachment to the family, to their people and traditions, to civil responsibility to society, to the development of student social activity in the system of patriotic upbringing the universities use technology of social project, allowing students themselves to participate in the organization of the process of their civil development. The project activity in the system of patriotic education of higher educational establishments provides for interaction and social partnership of the administration of the educational organization, public authorities, state institutions and public associations.Social partnership in the development and implementation of patriotic projects gives them not only informational but also activity-based scent, expands the timeframe for the implementation of projects and increases the opportunities for involving the broad audience representing different regions of the Russian Federation, which is clearly seen in the example of the developed patriotic project "Living history" implemented in the Ural State Pedagogical University since 2013. The article shows a practical experience of interaction of the social partners with a variety of structures in the development of students' patriotic project. This helps to increase the quantity and improve the means and methods of educating of young people for whom patriotism becomes a natural and conscious personal quality, causing the need to act for the good of his country and its people.
Key words: Patriotism; patriotic education; historical memory; project approach; project-based method; project; students; social projects; living history.
For citation
Popp, I. A. Social Partnership for Implementation of Student Patriotic Projects (Based on the All-Russian Patriotic Project "Living History") / I. A. Popp, I. S. Popp, I. S. Shakhnovich // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №4. – P. 105-111 .