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Summer Holidays for Children in Perm Province in the End of the XIX – Beginning of the XX Centuries
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Abstract: Most of the research works devoted to the study of holidays for children describe primarily summer holidays and pioneer camps. He first summer holidays for children in Russia were organized in 1920-s by Z.P. Solovyov, Deputy of People’s Commissariat of Health Service. In spite of the fact that pioneer camps in the Soviet Union formed a kind of social institution only in 1930-s, it is important to describe summer holidays for children in pre-revolutionary Russia. By the end of the XIX century there appeared different institutions dealing with summer holidays for children, like nurseries for children from poor families, summer playgrounds and summer camps. Organization of summer holiday at that time was a part of social and pedagogical work. Nurseries, summer playgrounds and summer camps in Perm Province were financed by charity funds. Children from poor and uneducated families, having difficulties in communication, were involved in different health-improving, educational and developmental activities. The paper studies the heritage of the abovementioned institutions found in Perm Province in the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX centuries.
Key words: Social and pedagogical work; social education; social help; leisure time organization; children’s holidays; summer holidays; playgrounds; juvenile prison.
For citation
Dorokhova, T. S. Summer Holidays for Children in Perm Province in the End of the XIX – Beginning of the XX Centuries / T. S. Dorokhova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №5. – P. 33-39 .