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State Control in the Sphere of Rest and Health Improvement of Children
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Abstract: In the existing law organization of rest and health improvement of children is equated to recreation, but in fact this concept is wider as it also includes realization of educational programs. In 2016 there were attempts to perfect state control in the sphere of rest and health improvement of children, which resulted in the Federal Law № 465 “On the Changes in the Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in the Field of State Control in Rest and Health Improvement of Children”, December 28, 2016. The most important result of this law is specification of rights and power of state control bodies and the departments of local government. The bill involved some means of state control and license acquisition to be able to give services of rest and health improvement of children. Perfection of state control in the sphere of rest and health improvement of children implies updating Labour Law and the other branches of Law that may cause difficulties for those companies that provide rest and health improvement of children. This paper argues that organization of rest and health improvement of children requires state control, but this control should not be excessive. State control should guarantee high quality services in the sphere of rest and health improvement and should provide general availability of these services to children of different age groups to stimulate proper development of children; besides it is necessary to get rid of the contradictions in the regulations of such organizations.
Key words: Health improvement of children; summer holidays; organization of rest; children’s health; state control.
For citation
Vifliyemsky, A. B. State Control in the Sphere of Rest and Health Improvement of Children / A. B. Vifliyemsky // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №5. – P. 22-28.