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Analysis of Modern Cloud Services for Study and Use in Educational Process
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Abstract: Currently, when the Internet is available almost everywhere and computers are increasingly mobile, many tasks are transferred from the local machine to the cloud, and acquire new properties. Today to create and print the document, there is no need for a copy of MS Office or Open Office - everything can be done online, and it will be legal and free of charge. The article gives a comparative analysis of the most common and popular cloud technologies: Google Drive, Dropbox, SkyDrive, and Yandex.Disk. They are also compared with the standard office packs such as MS Office. The advantages of cloud services (such as impossibility to lose the documents, reducing material costs, sharing and improved communication and time savings) and their disadvantages (data safety and trust, technical readiness, psychological readiness, stability, access to data, limit compatibility) are discussed. On this basis the conclusion is made on Google Drive, as the most relevant and suitable for study and use in educational process in the courses on modern information technologies. In the Ural State Pedagogical University at the Department of Informatics, Information Technologies and Methods of Teaching Informatics we developed an intensive course (series of laboratory operations) for learning Google Drive and developed recommendations for its use in real educational process. This course has been successfully implemented in the framework of the educational process in USPU during the last years.
Key words: Cloud computing; cloud services; Google Drive; Google Doc; information technologies; educational corses; pedagogical universities.
For citation
Emelyanov, D. A. Analysis of Modern Cloud Services for Study and Use in Educational Process / D. A. Emelyanov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №6. – P. 45-52.