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Features of Electronic Educational Resources to be Used in Mobile Learning
- Hits: 352
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Abstract: This article is devoted to the development of electronic educational resources to be used in the implementation of mobile learning, taking into account ergonomy and technical features. It deals with such concepts as: “mobile training”, and “ergonomics of electronic educational resources”. The authors provide a list of regulatory documents based on state standards governing the electronic publications, including those for educational purposes. The analysis of technical features of viewing of educational materials by means of mobile training is presented. The choice is justified: the optimal aspect ratio of the educational resource. Different file formats for electronic educational resources are mapped. The universal file formats is offered: pdf, ppt, mp3, mp4, swf. Samples of templates for placement of educational content objects are offered on the example of educational demonstration (ppt) and text document (doc pdf). Templates contain layouts of frames (slide or page), designed in accordance with standards and ergonomic requirements. Frame layouts reflect the most commonly used location geometry: resource metadata; Header Basic information block; Illustrative graphics; Navigation objects; Objects that specify the logic of working with content. The dimensions of the elements are chosen experimentally. The main attention is focused on the full use of small screen space of the mobile device. Templates are made by means of Google services and are initially targeted at mobile devices. QRcodes are provided for downloading created templates by everyone. It is concluded that in the process of development of an educational resource, a new resource is not created but an existing resource is adapted by connecting the required templates.
Key words: Mobile learning; electronic educational resource; ergonomics; electronic textbook; information technologies; informational support of education.
For citation
Kamalidinova, E. R. Features of Electronic Educational Resources to be Used in Mobile Learning / E. R. Kamalidinova, L. V. Sardak // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №6. – P. 53-59.