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Organization of Information-Search and Analytic-Synthetical Activity to Teach Students Carry Out Scientific Research in the Didactic Environment of the Contemporary Information and Communication Space
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Abstract: From the point of view of the features of scientific research, the article deals with the problems related to the organization of information search in the didactic environment of the modern information-communication space, and with its recording, structuring and use, the solution of which contributes to the successful preparation of the Master's thesis by enriching the information found and the acquisition of new knowledge based on the construction of a rigorous scientific conclusion. New methods of information processing are offered; they include the so-called "expert sieve" and "language management", designed to work in the didactic environment of the modern global information and communication educational paradigm: classificational analysis, classificational reconstruction, logical retelling, matrix operation and separation of links that promote the development of students’ (and undergraduates’) research skills. These methods help to solve the identified methodological tasks "to build" and "deduce the consequences" that determine the content of the meta-subjective level of scientific research conducted by undergraduates and they are a part of general, general professional and professional competences (GС-1, GС-3, GPС-2, GPС-6, GPС-10 end others) specified in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the specialty 04.04.2002. The specific material of the course "Modern Problems of Science and Education" provides an example of the formulation of the research and cognitive task, illustrating the use of the developed methods for developing the ability of students to pursue research activities and carry out educational and cognitive self-regulation during their work on the Master's thesis.
Key words: Research activity; students; information processing; methods of scientific research; methodology of scientific research; scientific research; search for information.
For citation
Semenova, I. N. Organization of Information-Search and Analytic-Synthetical Activity to Teach Students Carry Out Scientific Research in the Didactic Environment of the Contemporary Information and Communication Space / I. N. Semenova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №6. – P. 106-110.