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Issues of Formation Future Teachers’ Professional Competences: Concept of Differential-Integration Theory for Didactics Engineering Methodology
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Abstract: The problems of development of the content and the organization of pedagogical education in technologically developed environment are analyzed in the article. The existing methods of planning the content and organization of education in the technologically developed environment are not enough satisfactory and poorly correlated with systemic character of professional activity of teacher and the cognitive features of educating a person. We have identified the following groups of problem tasks: (1) a future teachers in the process of their training must acquire skills of systemic thinking activity in order to be able to teach the strategies of thinking to other people; (2) structure and methods of presentation of the content, the methods of education must correspond to psychophysiological laws and the processes of cognition and development; (3) didactic means and methods of training future teacher should be a sample of pedagogical experience, adequately correlated with technical and technological means and features of cognitive development of man. It is proposed to base the constructive activities of the teacher in the field of didactic engineering on the backbone principle of dialectical unity of differentiation and integration in development. Key provisions of the considered approach are the following: development of didactic and methods of disciplines is carried out on the basis of means and methods of didactic engineering; the methodology of didactic engineering is implemented on differential-integration theory of cognitive development; the didactic means and techniques developed are intended both to generate knowledge and skills in discipline and to transfer professional methodological experience. The patterns of differentiation and integration, as mechanisms of thinking, represent an effective tool for structural analysis and educational content and cognitive structures of mental experience related to scientific-theoretical competencies (knowledge, theoretical component) formed in teaching process; constructive-design and organizational-methodological competences (abilities, instrumental component); professional-personal competences (abilities, personality component). They can become a basis for productive and nature friendly approach to solving the problems of designing the content of education and formation of the system of thinking of students.
Key words: Didactic engineering; system integration; cognitive structures; thinking; cognitive process; development of intelligence; pedagogical competence; professional competences; prospective teachers; teacher’s training.
For citation
Lozinskaya, A. M. Issues of Formation Future Teachers’ Professional Competences: Concept of Differential-Integration Theory for Didactics Engineering Methodology / A. M. Lozinskaya // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №6. – P. 189-199.