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Open Pedagogy in the Information Society
- Hits: 324
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Abstract: The rapid development of tools and technologies of the open education demand a critical audit of the traditional pedagogical system as a closed system, with well-established course of educational process, focusing on the classroom training. It was proposed earlier to call e-pedagogy as scientific study, decrypting and predicting the processes in all ICT educational environments. So far institutional educational process is an informal sharing of knowledge and experience in social networks, including professionally oriented ones, it is also possible to use massive open online courses (MOOCs) at the place of residence and/or work. In such circumstances a new pedagogical reality appears and its study should be the subject of open pedagogy as a part of general pedagogical knowledge. This article discusses the process of the open pedagogy formation in the transition of the information society towards learning society in context of the lifelong learning.
Key words: Open education; open pedagogy; information and communication technologies; informatization of education; informational educational environment.
For citation
Starodubtsev, V. A. Open Pedagogy in the Information Society / V. A. Starodubtsev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №6. – P. 145-150.