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Periodicals as a Means of Professionalism Formation in the Process of Training of Mathematics Teachers
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Abstract: This article describes the possibilities of use of pedagogical periodicals as a means of professionalisation of students. The traditional system of education in the Pedagogical University involves intensive training on special subjects. This inevitably leads the students to a crisis caused by lack of practice and professional training at junior courses. Solving the problem can contribute to professionalisation of special training: building skills to rebuild scientific knowledge in accordance with the objectives of pedagogical activity, selection of the appropriate teaching material, formation of personal and professionally significant qualities in studying special subjects. Tasks and elective courses, proposed by researchers as a means of professionalization of special training, do not solve the problem because they are not connected with practicу of a Maths teacher. The article shows the possibilities of using professional theoretical and methodological journals to study tehe sciences by combining general scientific and methodological lines, to promote motivation to study the disciplines of higher mathematics, for introduction in educational process of active forms of learning, for the organization of research of students, to develop students ability of application of scientific material in training, to familiarize the students with the practical experience of teachers. Thus, the article justified the use of professional periodicals as a means of building meaningful, technological and personal components of professionalism in the process of special training of students.
Key words: Periodicals; professionalism; professional press; prospective teachers; teacher’s training; Maths teachers.
For citation
Tolstopyatov, V. P. Periodicals as a Means of Professionalism Formation in the Process of Training of Mathematics Teachers / V. P. Tolstopyatov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №6. – P. 140-144.