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The Opportunities of Mobile Technologies in the School Course of Computer Science
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Abstract: The article examines the relevance and appropriateness of the usage of mobile technologies in Computer Science lessons with respect to the modern development of society and computer technologies, organizational and technological bases of the school course of Computer Science. Considering the trend of moving users from using stationary personal computers to more mobile, portable devices (laptops, netbooks, tablet PCs, smartphones) and basing on the problems of organization of educational process, the assumption about the effectiveness and appropriateness of using mobile technologies in teaching Computer Science is stated. Based on the analysis of the existing definitions of the term "mobile learning", the interpretation was offered, in which mobile devices are the means to achieve didactic objectives. Foreign and domestic experience of the usage of mobile devices for educational purposes, including the use of podcasting, email, microblogs, augmented reality, video, mobile survey, blog, reference resources and cloud services is considered. The potential of using mobile technologies in teaching is examined, and the factors that hamper their use by teachers are presented. The usage of mobile technologies in Computer Science lessons at school is described. The article suggests using smartphones as a "second screen" in practical and laboratory work; as the target platforms in the study of topics related to the algorithmization and programming; and as devices which are capable to provide repetition system of educational material by schoolchildren outside of school time are shown. The advantages of using mobile devices as convenient tools for access to cloud services for the organization of joint activities of students are discussed. The appropriateness of development of mobile learning methods in the school course of Computer Science is justified.
Key words: Mobile learning; m-learning; mobile technology; mobile device; students; methods of teaching Computer Science at school; methods of teaching Computer Science; computer science.
For citation
Novikov, M. Y. The Opportunities of Mobile Technologies in the School Course of Computer Science / M. Y. Novikov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №6. – P. 98-105.