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Teaching to Solve Situational Tasks – A Stage in Individual Project Creation in Secondary School
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Abstract: The article analizes the problem of teaching secondary school students to creat an individual project. The urgency of the solution of this problem is conditioned by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the existing experience in organizing the design and research activities of secondary school students. Educational institutions implement additional educational programs, in which students perform group projects. Creation of individual projects in secondary schools requires other means and forms of work. The article reveals the idea of acquiring the experience of design and research activities of secondary school students in the process of teaching mathematics. As a means of development of individual design and research activities, three-level situational tasks are considered, solving which students perform a mental experiment with the mathematical material being studied. As a result of their decision, students receive a frame as a generalized knowledge scheme. The work on the situational task involves the use of learning tasks that are presented by a specific goal being achieved. The groups of educational tasks, united by the didactic purpose, determine the classification of situational tasks: prognostic, strategic and project. Each of the proposed types of situational tasks is appropriate to use at the appropriate stages of the educational process, identified according to the theory of the system-activity approach. When solving problem-situations, students perform various types of activities. The process of resolving prognostic tasks situations involves performing analytical-synthetic, regulative and prognostic activities. The implementation of design and research activities is typical of the process of solving strategic situational tasks. When solving design situational tasks reflective and communicative activity becomes the leading one. To organize independent work of students on an individual educational route it is proposed to use the concept of the topic. The concept contains multi-level situational tasks, useful tips, a map of introspection and topics of home mini-projects.
Key words: Individual project; situational task; educational task; frame; projects activities; method of projects; methods of teaching mathematics; methods of teaching mathematics at school; concept.
For citation
Kosikov, A. V. Teaching to Solve Situational Tasks – A Stage in Individual Project Creation in Secondary School / A. V. Kosikov, I. G. Lipatnikova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №6. – P. 60-67.