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Information and Communication Technology as a Tool of Competences Formation of Master’s Degree Students in Professional Training
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the use of information and communication technologies in teaching Master’s Degree students. The authors justify the conditions that ensure solution of problems in the course of formation of professional, information, communication and technological competences of the future specialists, as well as present a set of competences that determine the competitiveness of future teachers. Modernization of education is directly connected with informatization, when the main value in modern conditions is the ability to process the information. The introduction of information technologies in the educational process will allow students to realize the diversity of opportunities and complex relationships characteristic for educational organizations, overcome information barriers and form competencies that ensure competitiveness. One of the many ways to solve the problem of informatization is to search for approaches to personal and professional development that will provide an absolutely new content of higher education. The analysis of educational standards led to the conclusion that the use of ICT in the training of undergraduates causes the formation of a set of competencies such as the ability to analyze and use various sources of information, to form resource and information bases, to independently acquire and use the knowledge necessary for professional activities. Information technology is an opportunity to establish communication between subjects at a distance, which is especially important in the modern educational process. Formation of competencies is possible if the following conditions exist: motivation of students, availability of the necessary resources, readiness and ability to use information and communication technologies in the educational process. Along with the positive experience of teaching Master’s Degree students, the article identifies a number of gaps that need to be analyzed in detail and considered at the theoretical and practical levels.
Key words: Information and communication technologies; vocational competence; professional competence; information society; motivation; Master’s program; students.
For citation
Suslova, I. A. Information and Communication Technology as a Tool of Competences Formation of Master’s Degree Students in Professional Training / I. A. Suslova, N. S. Tolstova, E. A. Shakuto // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №8. – P. 75-78.