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Formation of Intercultural Communicative Competence in Foreign Language Teaching in China and Russia: Comparative Analysis
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-02-07
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the concept of “intercultural communicative competence” in teaching foreign languages. The article not only emphasizes the importance of communicative and intercultural approaches in language learning, but also presents a study about the teaching of language and culture in China, highlights cultural aspects in language learning. This includes examples, which show the differences between the Russian and Chinese cultures. The article proves that the process of the formation of intercultural communicative competences becomes more effective with Russian students of linguistics at the initial stage of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, if students are aquainted with all linguistic aspects of the Chinese language such as traditions, customs and culture of the Chinese people at the very beginning of the process of teaching. Thus, in the process of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, students develop practice-oriented foreign language competence in class. Based on communicative exercises, which are aimed at getting to know the culture of Chinese people, intercultural competences are also formed. The following fundamental concepts of the approach concerning competence are described in the article: “competence”, “communicative competence”, “communicative foreign language competence”, “intercultural communicative competence” and “intercultural communication” from the point of view of Russian and Chinese researchers. The article provides a comparative analysis of these concepts. The study about “intercultural communicative competence” is based on a comparative analysis of the features of communication adopted in Russia and China, as well as on the comparison of definitions concerning this concept, which were presented by Russian and Chinese researchers. The research results presented in this article can be used by teachers of Chinese as a foreign language.
Key words: Communicative competences; intercultural communication; intercultural interaction; Russian students; methods of teaching Chinese; Chinese as a foreign language; comparative analysis.
For citation
Korneeva, L. I. Formation of Intercultural Communicative Competence in Foreign Language Teaching in China and Russia: Comparative Analysis / L. I. Korneeva, R. Ma // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №2. – P. 61-65. DOI 10.26170/po19-02-07.