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Methods of Teaching Classical Dance in the System of Training Students in Choreographic Directions of Universities of Culture
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-02-08
Abstract: The article presents an analysis of the methods of teaching classical dance as a backbone knowledge in the process of teaching students of choreographic areas of universities of culture. The main task of higher education in the field of choreography is the formation of a “complete” model of a graduate in the unity of performing and pedagogical qualities. At the same time, in the context of introducing standards for teachers, the main task of the training is the question “How to teach how to teach dance?”, which puts forward the tasks of scientific understanding of the teaching methods as an important condition for the formation of the pedagogical competence of future graduates. The main methodological setting of the research is the presentation of modern practice of choreographic education and teaching classical dance as a system in which all elements are conditioned and subordinated to performing and pedagogical tasks. The systems approach expands the field of research, combining the scientific and methodological developments of leading practitioners to create methods of teaching classical dance in higher education as a separate subject area, as well as presenting an integrated learning outcome consisting of mastering theoretical knowledge, practical skills in performing movements and mastering their methods. teaching. The nonlinearity and multi-vector development of modern vocational education has led to the use of an interdisciplinary approach that combines various branches of knowledge and methods: quantitative and qualitative analysis, comparative analysis, structural-functional method, the implementation of the principles of the unity of historical and logical research methods. The proposed concept of teaching classical dance encompasses a wide range of competencies and is a relatively new object of study as an area of pedagogical knowledge in the system of training choreographers of universities of culture. Analysis of the materials studied, educational programs, curricula, textbooks, teaching aids, results of tests and exams allowed us to present the structural basis of the methods of teaching classical dance, a model of which can be used by teachers to teach students of secondary and higher educational institutions and vocational education.
Key words: Methods of teaching choreography; classical dances; choreographic education; universities of culture; choreography; choreographic art.
For citation
Manzheles, L. V. Methods of Teaching Classical Dance in the System of Training Students in Choreographic Directions of Universities of Culture / L. V. Manzheles // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №2. – P. 66-75. DOI 10.26170/po19-02-08.