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The Game as an Active Form of Learning Activities
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-03-07
Abstract: Nowadays more and more often there is a question about the effectiveness of gaming technologies in educational activities. Modern studies show that the game allows the individual to realize their abilities to the maximum. It has a great influence on the development of self-governing mechanisms of the individual and involves a certain level of self-discipline and cognitive activity, influencing the formation of a positive Self-concept. The game also affects the emotional sphere, it introduces the participant to the universal values. In the process of the game evolving and effective sphere of the personality, as the game teaches the relationship in the process of activities promotes the development of will and activity. Among the positive qualities of the educational game is also noted that the game is a mediator between the existing personal and acquired experience. And this contributes to a conceptual-theoretical apparatus for the study of science and a solid in-depth knowledge. Educational game technology implements educational, developmental and educational functions, socializing personality. In the process of implementing the game, its organization is of great importance, as well as the diagnostics carried out during the game and at its end, since the effectiveness of the games largely depends on the degree of its organization. Possession of this knowledge and skills we refer to the professional pedagogical competence of the teacher. In the literature there is no unambiguous relation to the problem of game control. We believe that the game, as a free activity, does not exclude control. Thus, the game technology, being the most synthetic in nature, will demand a rational, intellectual, emotional sphere of personality.
Key words: Game activity; interactive technology; educational games; game learning methods; self-knowledge of the individual; communicative-active approach; active forms of education; I-concept.
For citation
Beleeva, I. D. The Game as an Active Form of Learning Activities / I. D. Beleeva, N. B. Titov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №3. – P. 48-52. DOI 10.26170/po19-03-07.