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Studies of Value Orientations of Schoolchildren and Students: Methodological And Methodological Issues
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-04-05
Abstract: In the article, the authors summarize the results of a series of studies conducted from 2007 to 2016 in educational institutions of the Sverdlovsk region. This experience allowed not only to get a picture of the value orientations of the participants in educational activities — schoolchildren, parents, teachers, students of secondary vocational education organizations (hereinafter referred to as SPO), but also to clarify their own methodological and methodological positions. The authors conclude that the study of the value orientations of adolescents and young people cannot be realized only using quantitative methods and is a synthesis of answers to one or several questionnaire questions. Distribution of answers on scales of values and fears is more optimally accompanied by interpretations of success, which indirectly confirm or refute the set defined by the respondents. An open-ended question was included in the questionnaire, with which words did respondents associate success? What ways do young people find acceptable for success? Only a set of methodological procedures — surveys, group discussions, a comparative analysis of the responses of different generations can lead to an adequate result. The value orientations of schoolchildren, teachers and parents over the past 9 years have demonstrated stability and sustainability. In 2016, a survey of students of secondary vocational education showed that their answers are largely identical to the choice of schoolchildren. Both young people and the older generation often point out, however, with varying degrees of activity, such values as family and health. The obtained data, in comparison with the conclusions of other researchers, allow us to conclude that in modern Russia the value system has already taken shape, where the orientations of a private, private nature have come to the fore.
Key words: Value orientations; teenagers; youth; teachers; students; success; means of achieving success.
For citation
Pryamikova, E. V. Studies of Value Orientations of Schoolchildren and Students: Methodological and Methodological Issues / E. V. Pryamikova, I. V. Shapko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №4. – P. 43-49. DOI 10.26170/po19-04-05.