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The Principles of Nature-aligned Foreign Language Teaching of Preschoolers
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-04-06
Abstract: The article deals with the specific features of implementation of the nature-aligned foreign language teaching in the context of the Federal State Educational Standards of the preschool education. This article is of great current interest because the orientations value is directed towards nature-conformity: the continuity of the natural beginnings of life, education and personal development. Foreign language teaching should be nature-aligned, i.e. as a native language from "bottom to up". It is necessary to create conditions for a holistic perception of information genetically inherent for every person and activity that ensures the integration of interhemispheric systems. The article emphasizes the methodological base of nature-activity approach in a foreign language teaching. We are going outline the common-didactic (co-creation, technology, adaptation, energy, animativeness, communication with nature) and the specific-methodical principles (the relationship of learning all aspects of nature-activity competence, genetically deterministic way of cognition, native language effect, value-communicative orientation, differential-integrated learning style) principles of foreign language teaching of preschoolers in the nature — activity context. On the basis of the Federal State Educational Standards of the pre-school and an exemplary educational program “Kindergarten — House of Joy” by Krylova, we have developed an additional education course of English for preschool age children named “Creative English” and an educational-methodical complex that organizes three levels of foreign — language learning and gaming space. The development of foreign language oral speech skills of preschoolers is considered in the context of the development of nature-activity competence. The application of the educational — methodical complex is predominant in the nature-aligned process of foreign language teaching of preschoolers. This course ensures the continuity of preschool and primary general education in compliance with the nature-activity approach, which is presented as a whole process of transferring, mastering knowledge, skills, ways of cognitive and nature-creating activities, that contribute to the activation of holistic thinking in the process of foreign language education. Integrated and metasubject classes contribute to the maintenance of a sustained interest in a foreign language and motivate to the learning at the following educational levels.
Key words: Preschoolers; foreign language education; nature-activity approach; general teaching principles; methodological principles; educational and methodical complexes; federal state educational standards; foreign languages; basic foreign language training; preschool educational institutions.
For citation
Kopylova, E. V. The Principles of Nature-aligned Foreign Language Teaching of Preschoolers / E. V. Kopylova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №4. – P. 50-57. DOI 10.26170/po19-04-06.