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The Use of Game Elements in the Classroom Learning a Foreign Language
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-04-07
Abstract: The acquisition of strong language skills in the learning process and the choice of effective methods for the development of educational material is one of the urgent problems of language learning in primary school. The aim of this study is the problem of successful integration of lexical games in foreign language teaching in primary school. At school, learning a foreign language begins from the second grade. At the initial stage, the basis for further study of a foreign language is laid. During the period of study in grades 2-4, the teacher should do everything to form this base. Fruitful soil for this is cognitive activity, which is implemented in games that fully meet age characteristics of children of a primary school age. The success of learning a foreign language depends on the correct and adequate choice of game activity methods during the lesson by the teacher. The teacher should take into account age, psychological and individual characteristics of younger students. Russian specialists in teaching methods-recommend using linguistic and role-playing games with a linguistic-cultural and linguistic component. Such recommendations are given with the aim of improving the learning process when teaching a foreign language. This article discusses the features of teaching a foreign language in primary school with the use of linguistic games. Special attention is paid to lexical games. The article discusses the appropriateness of including games at various stages of a lesson, but also focuses on difficulties which primary school children have in the course of learning. As an example, the article gives a technological map of an English lesson in the 3rd grade of a secondary school.
Key words: Game activity; game teaching methods; English, English lessons; elementary school children; elementary English language teaching; methods of teaching English; lexical games; school textbooks; teaching games, game exercises.
For citation
Eremina, S. A. The Use of Game Elements in the Classroom Learning a Foreign Language / S. A. Eremina, K. S. Meshcheryakov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №4. – P. 64-69. DOI 10.26170/po19-04-07.