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Problems of Teaching Children with Syndrome of Attention Deficiency and Their Prevention
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-04-17
Abstract: Today, with various changes in education, approaches to learning, not taking into account the individual characteristics of children, almost every third schoolchild is experiencing difficulties in learning. If earlier it was believed that the child was “difficult” because of the unfavorable home environment, because of the wrong approaches in upbringing and education, nowadays children from good, prosperous families also have difficulties. This article discusses the concept of “attention deficit disorder”, which is characterized by inattention, excessive motor activity and impulsivity. It justifies how important it is to draw the attention of specialists to children with this syndrome, conduct psychodiagnostics, identify problems and develop a program to correct mental disorders of the brain. The article describes the results of psychodiagnostics of children of primary school age. The purpose of the diagnosis is to identify problems in such mental processes as attention, thinking and the ability to draw on the pattern of “eye-hand system”. To conduct the study, a complex of psychodiagnostic methods was used: L. A. Yasyukova, St. Petersburg, Institute of Practical Psychology “Imaton”. To identify the speed and accuracy of attention, the “Toulouse-Pieron” method was used, the “J. Raven matrix” method was used to identify the level of formation of structural and linear thinking, the method of “L. Bender — Gestalt” was used to identify the level of formation of motor skills and drawing. As a result of the study, problems in mental processes were identified, the type of ADD and MMD were identified, on the basis of these results, the students were offered a correctional program that helped change the condition of children, provided an opportunity to learn to control their actions. Recommendations were also developed for parents, which substantiate the rules and interactions with children with ADD.
Key words: Attention deficit disorder; learning difficulties; psychological diagnosis; behavior correction; psycho-correctional programs; difficulties of behavior; younger students.
For citation
Vorobyova, M. A. Problems of Teaching Children with Syndrome of Attention Deficiency and Their Prevention / M. A. Vorobyova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №4. – P. 126-132. DOI 10.26170/po19-04-17.