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Relation of Life-resistance with Self-assessment and Coping Strategies at Young People and Girls of Adolescent Age
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-04-18
Abstract: The article analyzes the results of a comparative study of the links of resilience with coping strategies and self-esteem in boys and girls aged 14-16. The sample consisted of 141 people (90 of them were girls, 51 were boys). As a diagnostic tool, the Muddy Test S. Muddy was used (in adaptation D. A. Leontyeva, E. I. Rasskazova); The questionnaire “Methods of coping behavior” (coping test) R. Lazarus and S. Folkman (in the adaptation of L. I. Wasserman); The method of diagnosis of self-assessment of the personality of Dembo — Rubinstein (modified by A. M. Prikhozhan). Hypothesis of the study was the assumption that there are specific features in the links of viability with self-esteem and coping strategies in boys and girls. Both common and specific for boys and girls connections between the studied variables were revealed. Regardless of gender, respondents are dominated by negative links between components of resilience and coping strategies; therefore, most of the strategies used by adolescents do not support their resilience. A small number of positive correlations indicates that respondents do not yet have the skills to effectively use the entire complex of coping strategies. All correlations of the components of resilience with the scales of self-esteem and claims of both girls and boys are positive. Of the four components of viability, the smallest number of correlations with the scales of self-assessment and claims was shown by the “risk taking” component, which indicates the insufficiently developed ability of respondents to comprehend the experience gained and to take it into account in the future. Identified specific features in the links of resilience with self-esteem and coping strategies characteristic of this sample: girls have a wider range of strategies used and more direct correlations between components of resilience and coping strategies than boys, which allows us to conclude that girls have more flexible behavior in hard situations. For girls, self-esteem is more a resource of vitality, which is confirmed by the fact that they have more direct correlations of vitality than self-esteem scales and claims than boys.
Key words: Resilience; self-esteem; claims; coping strategies; coping behavior; young men; girls.
For citation
Ershova, I. A. Relation of Life-resistance with Self-assessment and Coping Strategies at Young People and Girls of Adolescent Age / I. A. Ershova, M. E. Permyakova, T. M. Sadkina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №4. – P. 133-140. DOI 10.26170/po19-04-18.