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Translation as an Important Condition for the Perception of Foreign Language Speech Within Bilingual Class
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-05-08
Abstract: This article deals upon translation activities in the process of bilingual education, it also describes the main programs and models of bilingual education (such as transitional bilingual education, the immersion model, a foreign language as a second language) and didactic means of translation (consecutive translation, code switching, visual support, and others), based on the comparison of the native language and the second, the foreign one, search of language equivalents and their suitable application, with the advantages and disadvantages (the so called side effects) of bilingual education. The article also provides a justification and description of the role of translation in the process of learning a foreign language on the basis of didactic and methodological aspects and types of mental activity. Based on the fact that there are no clear criteria in the definition of bilingualism, and the objective indicator of a person's ability to bilingualism is communicative competence, expressed in the relevance of statements, the presence of basic communication skills, knowledge of cultural norms, traditions, decency and means of communication, verbal and non-verbal, inherent in the national mentality of native speakers, the ability to bilingual education in all different, respectively, translation, or translation activities, is important in lesser or wider extent within the bilingual class. This conclusion is made by the author, stressing that the translation can only be a method or an unconscious act in the process of switching from one language to the other one in class, and not be the goal or the final result.
Key words: Translations; bilingual education; bilingualism; bilingualism; students; language codes; picture of the world; foreign language speech, foreign languages; methods of teaching foreign languages; methods of foreign languages at school
For citation
Likhacheva, E. V. Translation as an Important Condition for the Perception of Foreign Language Speech Within Bilingual Class / E. V. Likhacheva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №5. – P. 56-61. DOI 10.26170/po19-05-08.