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Contemporary Foreign Language Teaching Methods as a Means of Formation of Communicative Competences at an Entrepreneurial University
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-05-07
Abstract: Within the increasing competition on the higher educational services market universities aim to become research centres. In addition to the traditional functions of education and science, knowledge is transferred to practical fields of economy and society, responding to the requests in terms of informatization. Universities reform the processes of management, diversify the sources of funding, engage in entrepreneurial activities and apply innovations in education. Russian and foreign scientists share the view that an entrepreneurial university is a research centre, in which an activity is realized by the practical application of scientific activity in the applied fields of economics, industry and society. This activity is primarily focused on the creation of a real innovative product or service that provides the solution of actual problems. Modern conditions require a graduate to have not only professional skills, but also the so-called Soft Skills. The article demonstrates that the development of multi-component foreign language communicative professional competence in a process of foreign language teaching at an entrepreneurial university contributes to the formation of Soft Skills. Interdisciplinary projects are considered among the priority teaching methods at an entrepreneurial university. Hackathon is one of the forms of interdisciplinary projects. Interaction and collaboration of students during the project implementation contribute to the formation and development of various components of foreign language communicative professional competence and Soft Skills. It increases the competitiveness of a modern professional personality. Hackathon gives the students the opportunity to learn how to interact in a team with specialists from different fields, find non-standard solutions to the set challenges, and think through the perspectives to promote their ideas.
Key words: Entrepreneurial universities; foreign language competencies; professional competencies; interdisciplinary projects; project method; project activities; foreign languages; methods of teaching foreign languages; methods of foreign languages in high school; hackathon; teaching methods; communication competences.
For citation
Kovaleva, A. G. Contemporary Foreign Language Teaching Methods as a Means of Formation of Communicative Competences at an Entrepreneurial University / A. G. Kovaleva, O. V. Anchugova, D. P. Zarifullina, D. I. Kurmanova, M. V. Tkacheva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №5. – P. 48-55. DOI 10.26170/po19-05-07.