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Formation of the Professionally Oriented Language Competence of Students Studying “Customs” on the Basis of the Technology of Flipped Learning
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-05-06
Abstract: The article deals with the problems of language training of students of non-linguistic specialties of the educational program “Customs” at the Ural Federal University and the development of necessary competences in the second language (French) for professional communication. The work program “Professional language training” provides the development of general cultural competences, general professional competences and professional competences in French at the end of the module. The author notices the contradiction between the planned learning results which are contained in the program and the impossibility of foreign language acquisition for professional purposes in the available time. The flipped learning technology was applied to form the necessary competences which corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard and information society needs. The flipped learning involves that the part of material should be learnt by students themselves before classes, the classroom time is devoted to form competencies in learning foreign languages by non-linguistic students. To form and develop general competences, general professional competences and professional competences the article suggests the division of the module into two parts: “Basic language training” and “Professionally oriented language training”. “The basic language training” implies the formation of language, general cultural and basic competences using the first type of the flipped learning technology. “The professionally oriented language training” is devoted to the formation of general professional and professional competences in second foreign language on the basis of the second type of flipped learning technology. The result of the module is the formation of professionally oriented language competence which consists of foreign language communication, cross-cultural, sociocultural, bilingual and information technology subcompetences.
Key words: Reverse learning; foreign language competencies; professional competencies; methods of foreign languages in high school; methods of teaching foreign languages; foreign languages; students; second foreign language.
For citation
Zhdanova, D. E. Formation of the Professionally Oriented Language Competence of Students Studying “Customs” on the Basis of the Technology of Flipped Learning / D. E. Zhdanova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №5. – P. 42-47. DOI 10.26170/po19-05-06.