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The Principle of Integration in the Join of Younger Schoolers to Opera Creativity
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-05-18
Abstract: One of the tasks of modern education is the introduction to various types of classical art, including Opera. Implementing this task, teachers use different approaches, one of which is an integrative approach. The article considers one of the principles of introduction to the Opera creativity of younger pupils in the conditions of work of children's art schools — integration. Based on the considered positions of various authors, the types of integration in the introduction of younger pupils to Opera creativity in the process of musical education were identified, which were implemented in the children's school of arts №1 of Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk region. These types include: integration of different types of artistic activity (listening to music, singing, theatricalization, movement); disciplines studied at the children's art school ("Choral class" and "Listening to music"); real and virtual performance (performance-video); forms of introduction to Opera creativity (lesson-game, lesson-fairy tale, lesson-excursion); educational and extracurricular activities. Research methods: analysis of musicological, psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of research, systematization and generalization of the material. Methods of initiation of Opera art was visual-auditory, conversation, creative activities that are reproductive. The proposed methods of implementation of the principle of integration can be used in teaching younger pupils in the children's school of arts in order to introduce Opera creativity.
Key words: Operatic creativity; opera art; aesthetic education; musical education; musical development; younger students; children’s art schools; institutions of additional education; additional education.
For citation
Russkikh, I. R. The Principle of Integration in the Join of Younger Schoolers to Opera Creativity / I. R. Russkikh // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №5. – P. 124-129. DOI 10.26170/po19-05-18.