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The Relationship of Anxiety and Motivation to Learn from Students
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-05-13
Abstract: The article presents the results of an empirical study of the connection between learning motivation and students' personal and situational anxiety. In recent years, the problem of motivation to learn from high school students has become particularly relevant. The gap between the content of training and the demand for certain professional skills, training in one area while professional activity in another profession, high competition in finding a job at the same time affect the psychological state of students, psychological instability, increased anxiety. The study used the methods of psychological diagnosis of situational and personal anxiety Spielberger C.D. (in adaptation Khanina Yu.L.), Student Anxiety Scale (Modification by Gabdreeva G.Sh. J. Teylop Questionnaire), a technique designed to diagnose students ’learning motivation (Rean AA and Yakunin VA in the modification Badmaeva N .C.). Empirical research was conducted on the basis of the USPU. The study involved 100 students from various fields of study (79 girls and 21 boys). The assumption about the connection of anxiety and motivation to learn from students was confirmed by the results of the Spearman correlation analysis. The revealed negative connections indicate that the more the situation is disturbing, the less the student is open to communication and is ready for creative self-realization in this situation. Positive connections indicate that the more a student is concerned about his social position in the study group and in society, the more he is anxious and inclined to avoid failures in his studies.
Key words: Students; personal anxiety; situational anxiety; learning motivation; student psychology.
For citation
Zausenko, I. V. The Relationship of Anxiety and Motivation to Learn from Students / I. V. Zausenko, E. V. Ozerova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №5. – P. 90-96. DOI 10.26170/po19-05-13.