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On Harmony and Disharmony of Sensitives, Intelligence and Will in Personal Self-development
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-06-04
Abstract: The article proves that the productive self-development of the personality is possible only on the basis of the formation of a culture of feelings, intelligence and will. Feelings directly reflect the relation of human needs to the phenomena of the external world and manifestations of it. Since the reflection in feelings is blind, unconscious, it can be adequate and inadequate. The development of a culture of feelings occurs only through the satisfaction of reasonable needs. Feelings can be formed spontaneously and consciously. Feelings encourage a person to work and accompany her all the time. Intellect (mind) is an indirect reflection of reality through the mental ability of a person to know and solve problems. In order for knowledge to become a conscious regulator of activity, they must unite with feelings, become convictions. The control of the senses by the intellect is realized through the comprehension of the senses. Therefore, the activity of the intellect without the senses is dead, and the senses without the intellect are blind. The thinking of a person develops only when he himself puts questions and seeks answers to them, that is, he is seeking truth. Will is the ability of a person to act in the direction of a consciously set goal, overcoming internal and external obstacles. Will performs two functions: inducements and inhibitions. The formation of a culture of will is carried out only through the constant desire of a person to act in accordance with reasonable requirements for activity. Therefore, free will is a will based on a perceived objective necessity. The harmony of feelings, intellect and will in the productive self-development of a person is their unity and consistency in change. The manifestation of feelings as a strength of mind is expressed in the fact that they predetermine the goal setting and thus the whole process of self-design. Mind, as cognitive therapy has proven, is not only a judge of the senses, but, through a rational assessment of phenomena, and their producer. The connection of intellect and will is expressed in the fact that true knowledge is in the foundation of free will, and will is the means of their materialization in life. The disharmony of feelings, intellect and will in the selfdevelopment of the individual is the absence in them of one-pointedness and consistency in change. If the harmony of the forces of the spirit is the main condition for success in the self-development of the personality, then their disharmony is the cause of failures in it. Disharmony is expressed in the unsatisfactory state of all the forces of the spirit or in the unsatisfactory state of at least one of them, as well as in the person’s conscious or unconscious absolutization of the role of feelings (emotive), intellect (rationalist), will (voluntarist). In the real life of a person, due to external and internal reasons, the harmony of feelings, intellect and will, in varying degrees, turns into disharmony, and harmony is born again from disharmony.
Key words: Feelings; intelligence; volitional qualities; fortitude; harmony of feelings; disharmony of feelings; self-development of personality.
For citation
Bayluk, V. V. On Harmony and Disharmony of Sensitives, Intelligence and Will in Personal Self-development / V. V. Bayluk // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №6. – P. 30-45. DOI 10.26170/po19-06-04.