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Social Networks as a Means of English Language Teaching of Students of Radiotechnic Educational Programs
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-06-14
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the social network Vkontakte as a new element of information and communication technologies in the classroom of the English language teaching in higher education. Particular attention is paid to the integration of popular social networks in the educational process in order to further development of the educational material given in the classroom with students of radio-electronic educational programs of the Ural Federal University. Active and widespread use of mobile devices and social networks in everyday life ensures the relevance of their application for students. The purpose of this study is to determine the approaches and principles of teaching using social networks, to develop stages of work with social networks, to determine the actual methods of using social networks in the process of learning English. The article presents four stages that are necessary for the organization of the process of teaching a foreign language: organizational, preparatory (technical), procedural and evaluative. The authors of the article offer the details of these stages for fifteen steps. Depending on the goals and objectives of the educational process, topics, group level the set of proposed steps changes. The practice of in of social networks in the process of organisation of independent work of students of the Institute of radio electronics and information technology of the Ural Federal University demonstrates the possibility of using different types of tasks to solve various educational problems and improve the efficiency of English language teaching. The authors of the study analyse not only the advantages of using social networks in teaching a foreign language, but also the disadvantages, which mainly include the marketing content of social networks.
Key words: English; English language teaching methods; methods of English in high school; means of education; students; social networks; information and communication technology; radio engineering.
For citation
Kovaleva, A. G. Social Networks as a Means of English Language Teaching of Students of Radiotechnic Educational Programs / A. G. Kovaleva, E. E. Dymova, V. S. Kochneva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №6. – P. 108-114. DOI 10.26170/po19-06-14.