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Typical Mistakes in Oral Speech Prepared Chinese Students to Study Russian Language
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-06-16
Abstract: Based on the analysis of audio recordings of oral presentations of 70 students of the Manzhur Institute of the University of Inner Mongolia, China, the article considers typical errors in foreign-language prepared oral speech, the causes of errors and the direction of development of Chinese students ' oral speech skills in the study of the Russian language. The paper provides examples of mistakes made by Chinese students in the study of the Russian language, outlines ways to overcome the mistakes of students. The classification of errors of Chinese students studying Russian is developed: phonetic (stress errors; pronunciation of individual sounds; pronunciation of a combination of consonants; mixing of voiced and deaf paired consonants; epentesis, prosthesis; reduction; sound loss; Lisp); grammatical (word-formation; morphological-errors of coordination, control, determining the type of verb, a combination of parts of speech, the definition of the reflexive verb); lexical (in the use of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paronyms); the errors caused by the interference of Chinese or foreign language (a Chinese dialect — putonghau, South, Xian, southwest, Guanghua, Gan and Guanghua Sanhui, Monali; English, Russian languages). The causes of errors in oral speech are identified: interference of the native language; interference of the studied language; insufficient formation of auditory skills of students; psychological state of students; inattention. students'.; The main ways of overcoming difficulties (mastering the structure of the Russian language; mastering the knowledge of language material (vocabulary, grammar); formation of hearing and pronunciation skills; application of language knowledge, speech skills in their own speech in the classroom; interesting topics for discussion; consideration of interlanguage interference; creating a favorable atmosphere of classes; correct error correction (at the end of classes, at the stage of generalization).
Key words: Oral speech; common mistakes; speech errors; error classification; Chinese students; Russian as a foreign language; Russian language teaching methods; interference; phonetic errors; grammatical errors.
For citation
Zhang, S. Typical Mistakes in Oral Speech Prepared Chinese Students to Study Russian Language / S. Zhang, N. N. Sergeeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №6. – P. 120-124. DOI 10.26170/po19-06-16.