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Interrelation of Intelligence Features and Academic Progress at Students of Different Psychological Types
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-06-19
Abstract: The article actualizes the problem of exception intelligence from the structure of the personality which is traditionally dropping out of a viewing field of domestic and foreign authors is updated. It is emphasized that in modern conditions cognitive and personal features in the set cause efficiency of activity. As a research objective determination of diagnostic potential of the typological questionnaire of MBTI, in particular, of its predictive opportunities concerning success of intellectual activity acts. A methodological basis is the theory Myers-Briggs. The key analyzed indicators: the academic progress, the IQ level, taking into account the making components, psychological type of the personality. On the example of student's selection the frequency of occurrence different types of the personality is described and also interrelations, specific to some types, between intelligence and the academic progress are revealed. The scientific novelty is connected with receiving empirical confirmation of interrelation between cognitive and personal features of mental functioning in the conditions of educational professional activity. The attention to a ratio of the general and mechanisms of achievement of progress in training inherent to each type is paid. It is important to consider the received results at creation of an students' educational trajectory, taking into account their identity. The conclusion about need of the full-scale research allowing to reveal cognitive and personal features of all types on representative selection is drawn.
Key words: Psychological personality types; students; intelligence; academic progress; solving intellectual problems; intellectual tasks; pedagogical psychology; cognitive personality traits.
For citation
Legostaeva, E. S. Interrelation of Intelligence Features and Academic Progress at Students of Different Psychological Types / E. S. Legostaeva, O. S. Chalikova, V. A. Arkhipova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №6. – P. 138-143 . DOI 10.26170/po19-06-19.