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The Relationship of Aggressiveness and Self-actualization of Personality
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-06-18
Abstract: The article presents the results of an empirical study of the relationship between aggressiveness and self-actualization of personality. There are different approaches to understanding aggression, they are in the continuum from the destructive to the constructive pole. A number of authors of evolutionary and humanistic approaches associate aggression with successful adaptation of personality. Self-actualization is seen as an indicator of successful adaptation. A. Maslow identified a number of characteristics of the self-actualizing personality, among which there is constructive aggression, which allowed to put forward a hypothesis about the relationship of aggressiveness and self-actualization of the personality. The study used a modified questionnaire diagnostic self-actualization of SAMUEL and three techniques for the study of various aspects of aggression and aggressiveness of personality: questionnaire L. G. Pochebut "Types of aggression" I-structural test of Ammon (adapted J. A. Tupitsyn and his staff psychoneurological research Institute im. V. M. Bekhtereva), the questionnaire propensity to aggression bass-Perry BPAQ-24. The study was conducted on a random sample of men and women from 26 to 64 years, which according to the periodization of E. Erickson refers to the period of maturity. 18 statistically significant correlations between indicators of aggression, aggressiveness and self-actualization of the personality are revealed, 15 most significant are considered in the article. All connections are the opposite, which indicates that the more self-actualized person, the less it shows aggression and aggressiveness, and accordingly, the higher the rates of aggression, the more difficulties arise with self-actualization and the lower its rates.
Key words: Self-actualization of personality; aggressiveness; aggressive behavior; constructive aggression; personality adaptation; empirical research.
For citation
Zausenko, I. V. The Relationship of Aggressiveness and Self-actualization of Personality / I. V. Zausenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №6. – P. 131-137. DOI 10.26170/po19-06-18.