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Electronic Training and Methodological Complex as a Component of the Digital Educational Environment of College
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-07-09
Abstract: The article substantiates the need to introduce electronic educational and methodological complexes in the learning process, since they create fundamentally new pedagogical tools for the organization and management of vocational education. The article proposes ways to solve the problem – determining the methodology for the development and use of electronic teaching materials in the system of secondary vocational education. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study are considered: the essence of the informatization of vocational education; concepts of digital educational resources and elearning complex; methods and stages of designing an electronic educational and methodical complex in the system of secondary vocational education. Based on the analysis of the conditions of the educational process at the Moscow Polytechnic University College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering No. 26, an electronic training complex for the discipline Information Support of Professional Activity and methodological recommendations for its design and use were proposed. The main components of the electronic educational and methodical complex are the authors: work program of the discipline; calendar-themed plan; training unit, which includes a course of lectures; guidelines for the implementation of practical tasks; guidelines for the implementation of tasks for independent work; guidelines for the implementation of project work (within the discipline of the professional module); block of control and assessment of knowledge (fund of valuation funds); References list and reference material. It is necessary to pay due attention to the structure of the e-learning complex and the method of teaching through it. The presented recommendations will help teachers in creating educational models, sketches and scripts of educational and methodical complexes, which are the basis for the subsequent computer development of multimedia components.
Key words: Digital educational environment; digital educational resources; electronic training complexes; informatization of education; colleges.
For citation
Baranova, E. M. Electronic Training and Methodological Complex as a Component of the Digital Educational Environment of College / E. M. Baranova, E. A. Kushchenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №7. – P. 67-75. DOI 10.26170/po19-07-09.