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Preparing Students the Implementation of Social Communication in the Process of Project Activities
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-07-08
Abstract: The article substantiates the need to find an answer to the question: how to organize the project activities of students so that it was really aimed at achieving not only the subject results of education, but also metasubject, expressed in the form of universal educational activities? The article discusses the possibility of project activities to include students in the system of social relations for the implementation of educational goals. Communicative systems are indicated, in which it is expedient to involve social interaction in the implementation of students ' work on the project: student – student, student – parent, student – leader, student – teacher, student – other subjects. It is noted that a specially organized process of social communication in the course of project activities will contribute to the development of students in all groups of universal educational activities (cognitive, regulatory, communicative), which corresponds to the implementation of modern requirements for the results of education. In the framework of the article the possibilities of formation of communicative universal actions of schoolchildren are considered. The structure of project activity of schoolchildren is presented. For each stage of the project activities are techniques that allow students to develop communicative universal learning activities. These methods are considered as examples illustrating the possibility and feasibility of active use of social communication opportunities in the organization of project activities of students to achieve the necessary educational results, and are not the only possible. The use of the presented methods of development of students ' communicative universal educational activities allows to organize the process of project activities in such a way that students have the opportunity to gain experience of social communication in interaction with various subjects.
Key words: Social communications; students; project method; project activities; structure of project activities; communicative universal learning activities.
For citation
Khramko, V. V. Preparing Students the Implementation of Social Communication in the Process of Project Activities / V. V. Khramko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №7. – P. 58-66. DOI 10.26170/po19-07-08.