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Emotional Intelligence Development of Pre-school Aged Children Using Cooperated with Their Parents Play Activity
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-07-04
Abstract: The article is concerned with the problem of pre-school children’s development of emotional intelligence in the context of cooperated with their parents play activity. In the research is presented with a developed within systematic-activity approach and field-proven program of emotional intelligence development of pre-school children devoted to children’s experience in acquiring of perception and differentiation of various emotions, development and amplification of ways to govern one’s inner emotional state and quality of its outer expression. The distinction of the program is the use of cooperated play activity of children and their parents to develop children’s emotional intelligence. Organizing cooperated play activity of children and their parents main methods are game situations based on visualization, imitation and reproduction of shown emotional states, emotional and expressive games that allow to consider emotional states of others and to show emotional support, and games that allow parents to practice “I-message” and “active listening”. Cooperated play activity of children and their parents helps to knowingly use mechanisms of imitation, imprinting and equation by children to acquire examples and patterns of significant adults’ behaviour which encourage the development of child’s emotional intelligence. The paper describes the results of statistical analysis of diagnostics data to prove efficiency of chosen means of pre-school children’s emotional intelligence development. Practical relevance of the research lies in the fact that the developed and field-proven program was created to enhance the quality of pre-school education. The program is different from the majority of existing programs developing only separate components of emotional intelligence as it has a coherent structure of development that offers complex and purposeful development of all the components of emotional intelligence due to the systematic incorporation of children in different situations of cooperated play activity with parents. This program may be used in educational establishments by educational psychologists to develop emotional intelligence of pre-school aged children.
Key words: Preschoolers; development of emotional intelligence; emotional intelligence; family education; parents; parent-child relationships; game activities.
For citation
Bratchikova, Y. V. Emotional Intelligence Development of Pre-school Aged Children Using Cooperated with Their Parents Play Activity / Y. V. Bratchikova, N. S. Voloshina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №7. – P. 30-37. DOI 10.26170/po19-07-04.