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Music Game as a Means of Development of Emotional and Volitional Self-Regulation of Younger Schoolchildren in Choral Activities
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-07-06
Abstract: Among the tasks assigned to the system of additional musical education, those are highlighted that declare the need to develop not only certain technical and artistic skills of students, but also the formation of their personal qualities. One of them is emotional-volitional self-regulation, the development of which must be started from the very beginning of the creative path of a young musician. A sufficient level of development of emotional-volitional self-regulation is the guarantor of high-quality performance of a musical work, elimination of stage excitement, and a conscious analysis of each concert performance. The purpose of this article is to present a set of musical games that contribute to the development of emotional-volitional self-regulation of elementary schoolchildren in the process of choral classes in an institution of additional musical education. The content of the games is considered in connection with the basic skills of young musicians, evidencing the development of emotional-volitional self-regulation in them: to exercise auditory self-control in the process of perception and performance of music, to control the emotional state in various types of musical and creative activities. Games that contribute to the development of these skills are: role-playing game, competition game, musical didactic game, outdoor game. In the development of this complex, such principles of pedagogy of musical education were highlighted as the unity of the emotional and rational in musical activity, the polyarticity of musical and artistic education, and the intonation of musical art. The prerequisite for the inclusion of musical games in the content of choral classes with younger students was choral theatricalization, which included activities such as vocal performance, movement to music, expressive reading, and drawing.
Key words: Music games; emotional-volitional self-regulation; choral activity; choral dramatization;
primary schoolchildren; additional education; choral singing.
For citation
Malakhova, O. A. Music Game as a Means of Development of Emotional and Volitional Self-Regulation of Younger Schoolchildren in Choral Activities / O. A. Malakhova, N. G. Tagiltseva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №7. – P. 44-50. DOI 10.26170/po19-07-06.