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Development of Мusical Thinking in Younger Students in the Process of Learning in Children’s Art Schools
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-07-07
Abstract: Introduction. The article highlights the problem of development of musical thinking, conditioned by the needs of practice and priority directions of the state education policy. Purpose of the article: to characterize the complex of teaching methods that ensure the unity of perception of music, thinking and imagination.
Methodology and research mеthods: theoretical aspects of cultural-historical psychology about the importance of activity in the development of higher mental functions; the main provisions of musicology, psychology of musical activity on the reflection in the consciousness of the musical image; intonation and polyartistic approaches in pedagogy of music education. Меthods of research: study and analysis of literature, generalization of pedagogical experience, comparison, generalization.
Results: musical thinking from the standpoint of musicological and pedagogical approaches is considered; identified the complex of teaching methods to ensure the unity of music perception, thinking and imagination: in the preparation stage (the methods of activation of informative interest, conversation, dialogue); in
the effective and practical stage (the methods of empathy, reflection, conversation, dialogue, observation of music); in the final stage (analysis, reflection on music, plastic modeling); in the reflexive stage (comparison, analogy, method of imagination and creation of the artistic context).
Scientific novelty: the method of teaching the discipline “Listening to music”, providing a unity of perception, thinking and imagination, for primary school students of children’s art schools developed. The method includes the steps of: 1) preparation stage, motivating students on the perception of music; 2) effective
and practical stage, associated with the process of “impression-experience” of music; 3) the final stage, which consists in understanding the means of musical expression and General author idea; 4) reflexive stage, revealing the personal significance (meaning) of the work.
Practical significance: the complex of methods providing unity of perception, thinking and imagination is revealed; the received data can be used in art education, in the course of musical psychology for students of secondary and higher educational institutions.
Key words: Musical thinking; musical art; primary schoolchildren; children's art schools; additional education; institutions of further education.
For citation
Tikhonova, E. V. Development of Мusical Thinking in Younger Students in the Process of Learning in Children’s Art Schools / E. V. Tikhonova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №7. – P. 51-57. DOI 10.26170/po19-07-07.