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Predicting a Professional Future of Youth as Factor of Development of the Urban Environment
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-07-19
Abstract: Modern socio-political and economic conditions create an urban environment characterized by high professional dynamism, political instability and unpredictable future. This factor generates uncertainty among young people in the desired future and the hope for a possible random success. At the same time, the desired future is associated with employment, which would provide a person with a decent life. Of course, the idea of a decent life changes with time. But in the most General sense it is a prestigious profession, material security, a sense of self-importance and comfort. For the development of the urban environment is certainly important not only the presence of high dynamics of professional activity, but also the presence of a strategy of professional development of young people, the projected professional development and forecasting of professional activity.
Key words: Youth; professional future; forecasting the professional future; pedagogical psychology; psychological and pedagogical forecasting; urban environment.
For citation
Zeer, E. F. Predicting a Professional Future of Youth as Factor of Development of the Urban Environment / E. F. Zeer, E. E. Simaniuk, N. V. Simaniuk, A. D. Sushchenko, A. A. Stepanova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №7. – P. 141-147. DOI 10.26170/po19-07-19.