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Diagnostics of Endowments of Students of Higher Education Institution in the Field of Art and Creative Activity by Means of the Internet Resource
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-07-20
Abstract: The relevance of the problem considered in article is caused by need of tool ensuring identification, development, diagnostics and escort of the gifted youth studying in higher education institution, in various areas of creative activity at different educational steps and stages of personal development. A research objective — to generalize experience of creation and use of the educational Internet resource developed at department of arts of Institute of psychology and pedagogics of the Tyumen state university. A methodological basis of a research are: theoretical regulations on art and creative activity as a complete complex of the interconnected elements and their relations (A. A. Melik-Pashayev, N. G. Tagiltseva), the concept of endowments (D. B. Bogoyavlenskaya, M. A. Holodnaya, V. D. Shadrikov). The following methods of a research were used: studying and analysis of literature, analysis and synthesis of pedagogical experience, pedagogical observation, methods of psychology and pedagogical diagnostics. The scientific novelty consists that authors offer to investigate signs of endowments of students in the field of art and esthetic activity, using at the same time possibilities of the Internet resource, during the complex analysis of works of students, expert estimation, poll, implementation of psychometric examination of prepotent type of thinking and the IQ level of students. Authors draw a conclusion that this Internet resource allows not only to increase efficiency of diagnostics presented due to timely identification, differentiation and the pointed individualized work with the gifted personality, but also to unite, synchronize work of experts, to carry out the analysis of results.
Key words: Giftedness; gifted students; Internet resource; artistic and creative activity; pedagogical diagnostics.
For citation
Mokrousov, S. I. Diagnostics of Endowments of Students of Higher Education Institution in the Field of Art and Creative Activity by Means of the Internet Resource / S. I. Mokrousov, N. I. Kashina, M. V. Lapenok, E. M. Valeeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №7. – P. 148-153 . DOI 10.26170/po19-07-20.