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Forms of Internal Cross-Cultural Context and Psychological Protection in the Process of Adaptation of First Graders
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-09-20
Abstract: The article presents the definition of the internal cross-cultural context of first-graders in the period of adaptation to school from the standpoint of the contextual approach. The content of forms of internal cross-cultural context of first-graders (diffuse, group, crisis, subjective, socio-cultural) is revealed. The aim of the study is to identify the connection between the forms of the internal context of first-graders with psychological defenses. To achieve this goal was carried out psychological diagnosis of 95 first grade students (of different ethnicity) of Nizhny Tagil and Yekaterinburg. In order to study the psychological defenses of first-graders used semiprojective technique “Fairy projective test”. The description of stimulus material, information to the subject, stages of quantitative and qualitative processing of answers and interpretation of results is presented, rules of use of projective techniques in option for younger school students are specified. The method of mathematical statistics analysis of nominative data according to the criterion χ2-Pearson was used to solve the research problem. Reliable connections of forms of internal context with psychological defenses were established: projective identification, projection, “Aggression directed at oneself” at the level of statistical significance. Examples of responses of subjects with different forms of internal context in which these types of protective mechanisms were manifested are given. It is shown that the processes of integration and disintegration of the elements of the internal cross-cultural context of first-graders are accompanied by the unconscious inclusion of psychological defenses, the role of which depends on the forms of this context. First-graders with non-integral internal cross-cultural context (diffuse, group and crisis forms) showed a statistical tendency to greater (more than twice) use of primitive psycho-logical defenses than first-graders with a holistic internal context (subjective, socio-cultural forms).
Key words: Internal cross-cultural context; primary school; primary schoolchildren; first graders; adaptation of first graders; psychological defenses.
For citation
Zhukova, N. V. Forms of Internal Cross-Cultural Context and Psychological Protection in the Process of Adaptation of First Graders / N. V. Zhukova, L. A. Rybakova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №9. – P. 150-156 . DOI 10.26170/po19-09-20 .