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Gender Identity of a Personality in the Family System Context
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-09-21
Abstract: In modern society, there is a confusion of the social roles of men and women in various spheres of life. The analysis of scientific literature allows us to conclude that these trends are due to the lack of a gender approach to education at all levels of education, including the family system. The gender strategy of the Russian Federation involves innovative changes at all levels of the education system. The modern transformation of social and professional relations as well as the revision of societal traditional foundations and family values have an impact on the formation of sustainable gender socialization, or of a diffusive gender position. The paper considers the pedagogical and social factors that influence the formation of non-adapted forms of gender identity, as well as the factors determining certain types of gender identity in adolescence. The main goal of the work was to identify the psychological peculiarities of the manifestation of various types of gender identity in adolescence in families with different gender representation. Different theoretical approaches to the study of the structural components of gender identity were analyzed: the structural, historical-evolutionary and gender-specificones, the concept of multidimensional and functional organization of personality and individuality, the concepts of developmental age and social-personal development. The main methods of research: theoretical research methods, empirical research methods (observation, conversation, content analysis, psychodiagnostic ones), methods of mathematical and statistical analysis. The psychodiagnostic tools made it possible to determine the structural-typological features of gender identity in adolescence. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the totality of the presented results contains a solution to the problem, the gender representation of the family system determines the types of gender identity and forms the specific features of gender-role behaviour in adolescence. The theoretical significance lies in the fact that the components of gender identity (the emotionalevaluative, cognitive, behavioural, personal ones) and their psychological content are identified in the work; the factors determining the psychological peculiarities of the development of gender identity are ascertained. The practical significance of the work lies in the applied orientation of the results obtained, which can be widely used in the practice of educational institutions. The main conclusions of the study are the following: the gender-role behaviour of the family members, as well as the peculiarities of the intrafamily system and interpersonal relationships form specific types of gender identity in the male and female groups. The developed type of gender identity influences the gender-role behaviour in society, which can cause disturbances in the interaction of the individual with others. The introduction of gender-oriented study courses and educational programs in the educational process will make it possible to adjust the consequences of the influence of the family education on the type of the gender identity.
Key words: Gender identity; gender; individual psychological characteristics; young men; types of gender identity; family education.
For citation
Kurochkina, I. A. Gender Identity of a Personality in the Family System Context / I. A. Kurochkina, V. V. Puzyrev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №9. – P. 157-162. DOI 10.26170/po19-09-21.