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Insufficiency of Musically Gifted Children and Ways of Its Overcoming (By the Materials of Foreign Literature)
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-09-24
Abstract: The article discusses issues related to the failure of gifted and musically gifted students, which are considered by foreign authors in the psychological and pedagogical literature. The purpose of the article is to identify the causes and characteristic features of failure, which are paid attention to in the foreign psychological and pedagogical literature, to reveal their proposed ways to eliminate the failure of musically gifted children. Research methods are analysis and generalization of the work of foreign researchers, revealing the main problems in the development of children's giftedness, failure to manifest them in a family and educational organization. The results of this work are presented in determining the basic personality traits that impede the successful development of the abilities of gifted children, such as: low self-esteem, lack of motivation; negative attitude to school, depression, attribution of success or failure to external factors. The characteristics of the main components of the educational and life success of musically gifted students are given, including creativity, imagination, intuition, openness, receptivity, perfectionism and self-discipline. Particular attention is paid to the main types of development of a gifted child in the context of the interaction of general and special education. The article discusses the features of the cognitive development of gifted children in adolescence, as well as the impact of socio-economic status on the educational opportunities of musically gifted students. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that the main reasons for the failure of gifted children, including musically gifted ones, are identified. The conditions necessary for the successful education of a gifted child in various types of educational institutions are highlighted.
Key words: Failure; gifted children; musically gifted children; giftedness; pedagogical psychology
For citation
Byzova, M. A. Insufficiency of Musically Gifted Children and Ways of Its Overcoming (By the Materials of Foreign Literature) / M. A. Byzova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №9. – P. 169-175 . DOI 10.26170/po19-09-24.