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Study of Attitudes of Married Couples with Differing Levels of Marriage Satisfaction
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-09-22
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of attitudes of married couples with differing degrees of marriage satisfaction. 24 officially registered married couples have participated in this study. The following methods were used: questionnaire of marriage satisfaction (authors V. V. Stolin, T. L. Romanova, G. P. Butenko); questionnaire “evaluation of attitudes of a married couple” (authors Yu. E. Aleshina, I. Ya. Gozman, E. M. Dubovskaya), method of diagnostics of irrational attitudes (author A. Ellis). The study shows, that prohibition of discussion of sexual relationships and focus on traditionally imagined romantic love are characteristic for happily married couples. These couples do not support divorces. Unhappily married couples are characterized by their optimistic image of people, they attach great importance to children and do not support divorces as well. In happily married couples on all scales except frustration tolerance the irrational attitudes were measured to be of moderate intensity. On the scale of frustration tolerance the irrational attitudes are absent, which indicates high levels of stress tolerance in happily married couples. In unhappily married couples the irrational attitudes of moderate intensity are present on all scales, therefore their levels of frustration tolerance are lower, and there is a higher probability of them getting and being stressed. Examination of validity of the differences between happily and unhappily married couples showed the existence of differences on the scales “attitude towards people” (in unhappily married couples the attitude towards people is more optimistic) and “frustration tolerance” (in happily married couples the irrational attitudes on this scale are absent).
Key words: Irrational attitudes; marriage satisfaction; family well-being; married couples; dysfunctional families; family psychology; psychology of marriage.
For citation
Pecherkina, A. A. Study of Attitudes of Married Couples with Differing Levels of Marriage Satisfaction / A. A. Pecherkina, I. A. Ershova, O. V. Novikova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №9. – P. 163-168. DOI 10.26170/po19-09-22.