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Application of Stream-Learning Technology in a Pedagogical University: Approaches to Evaluating Effectiveness
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-01-07
Abstract: The processes of globalization and the widespread use of the Internet have led to changes in all spheres of human life, and above all – in education. In modern conditions, when Russia faces the strategic task of creating a digital educational environment, and almost every pupil or student spends a significant part of his time with various gadgets, the teacher is constantly forced to learn new technologies, introduce them into the pedagogical process, be ready to quickly and efficiently adapt to changes in the education system. The organization of the learning process is undergoing a transformation: new methods and
tools are constantly appearing. The Ural State Pedagogical University being one of the oldest pedagogical universities in the region and a key training center for schools in Ekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region, is actively involved in the modernization processes that are currently taking place in the field of education. In the framework of this article is considered the problem of effectiveness assessment of the stream-training technology at a university, which is one of the most relevant and promising at the present time. The authors identified the forms of use of this pedagogical technology by both the teacher and students, and also determined the criteria for the effectiveness of the technology at different teaching stages: at the preparation stage, mainly in the educational process, in project activities. About 1000 students of Ural State Pedagogical University have been included in the process of mastering disciplines using stream technology as a result of testing the technology of stream training from 2016 to the present. At the same time, every year there is a tendency to increase students' motivation and interest in the disciplines studied using podcasting, screencasting and streaming technologies.
Key words: Stream technology; e-learning; distance learning; information technology; digitalization of education; information competence; pedagogical universities; training for future teachers; teacher students.
For citation
Arbuzov, S. S. Application of Stream-Learning Technology in a Pedagogical University:
Approaches to Evaluating Effectiveness / S. S. Arbuzov, O. N. Griban, I. V. Griban // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №1. – P. 58-64. DOI 10.26170/po20-01-07.