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Methodological Principles of the Conceptual Apparatus in Pedagogical Research
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-01-03
Abstract: The article substantiates the methodological principles of the conceptual apparatus in pedagogical research; a retrospective analysis of the conceptual and terminological system of pedagogy is given: methodological seminars, monographs, scientific articles. It is proved that the conceptual apparatus of pedagogy allows one to judge the degree of development of pedagogical theory, to determine the various facets of real pedagogical objects and the variety of cognitive tasks that arise in the process of education. The dialectical principles of knowledge underlying the theoretical definition of the methodological principles of the conceptual apparatus of pedagogical research are presented; the definition of the term concepts, its volume and content, the evolution of the system of concepts in pedagogy. The methodological principles of the conceptual apparatus in pedagogical research are substantiated and disclosed: systematic (determining the place of the key concept in the conceptual research system), valency (the ability of pedagogical concepts to enter terminological phrases with concepts from other fields of science), adequacy (the need to study scientific concepts in pedagogical research in differences from normative), historical conditionality (evolution of concepts in different historical eras), impulsiveness (unevenness l the development of conceptual theories, their ability to evolutionary bursts), subjectivity (argumentation of the subjective definition of concepts in pedagogical research).
Key words: Methodological principles; pedagogical research; pedagogical concepts; conceptual apparatus; pedagogy methodology.
For citation
Galaguzova, M. A. Methodological Principles of the Conceptual Apparatus in Pedagogical Research / M. A. Galaguzova, Y. N. Galaguzova, T. S. Dorokhova, R. K. Iskhakov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №1. – P. 28-34. DOI 10.26170/po20-01-03.