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Implementation of the Techniques Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Teaching Vocabulary in English Classes in the 7th Grade
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-01-04
Abstract: The article discusses the features of the formation of foreign language lexical skills in English lessons in the 7th grade using the elements of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). The authors make an attempt to overcome the difficulties arising in the formation of lexical skills characteristic of adolescent students (desire to be independent; fear of being ridiculous, desire to assert oneself; increased excitability, sharp reaction to criticism; trust only in those teachers who enjoy authority among students; interest to problem situations, decreased motivation to learn). Based on the principles of NLP (the principle of subjective perception of reality; the principle of permanent change in human consciousness as a result of interaction with surrounding reality); elements of NLP (personality-oriented approach; creating a system of effective beliefs; taking into account the main channels for obtaining information; creating a system of effective beliefs, a clear learning route) and NLP techniques (determination of the type of student motivation; presentation of the “route of movement”, learning objectives, student assessment criteria and methods of promotion; determination of the student’s main programming language, the use of “access keys”, “anchoring”; consideration of the psychophysical characteristics of students; selection of relevant examples; accounting for color gamut visual presentation of information; emphasis on the behavior of the teacher himself; creating a situation of increased emotional arousal; taking into account the student’s modality at the stage of introducing new vocabulary, the energies of the three receive channels, use of imaging technology information; training based on compact reference signal), microstrategies of mastering the vocabulary of a foreign language (microstrategies to create the necessary emotional background; microstrategies aimed at memorizing visual and auditory images of a word and their correlation with the semantic component; combining the two previous microstrategies) offer a set of exercises aimed at the formation of lexical skills. An analysis of individual existing teaching materials for students in grade 7 revealed the inadequacy of the use of NLP elements and techniques, as well as the need for additional testing of English vocabulary based on them.
Key words: Pedagogical techniques; neurolinguistic programming; lexical skills; age features; seventh graders; complexes of exercises; English; English teaching methodology; English language methodology at school; English lessons.
For citation
Sergeeva, N. N. Implementation of the Techniques Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Teaching Vocabulary in English Classes in the 7th Grade / N. N. Sergeeva, N. V. Potapova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №1. – P. 35-40. DOI 10.26170/po20-01-04.