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About the Nature of Creativity (Analytic and Synthetic Approach)
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-01-02
Abstract: The article presents the experience of implementing the analytical-synthetic approach in relation to the study of creativity. This involves the establishment of connections of creativity with the main mental and social phenomena that determine its being. The basic within this system of relations is the attitude to activities. Since any human activity is a unity of stereotypical (non-creative) and developing (creative, moving) principles, creativity is an innovative part of the activity, which is aimed at creating a new. All types of activities are divided into actually creative and relatively creative. In the first, creativity is the goal, and the stereotypical part is the means. Secondly, on the contrary, stereotyped procedures are the goal, and the creative part is the means. There is no creativity in nature, but, like in society, there is development. Creativity is not a development mechanism, creativity is an activity through which development is carried out as a qualitative directed change of objects. Creativity cannot be contrasted with reflection. Human consciousness to the extent transforms the world in which it reflects and becomes a regulator of activity. Creativity cannot be equated with thinking, since thinking can be not only creative, but also stereotyped, and the unconscious also participates in the creative process (intuition). Creative imagination in the real world reflects the realm of the possible, that is, what is not, but what can be. The main form of its existence is human project activity, which arises on the basis of subject and evaluative knowledge and is a means of transforming the real world. Creativity is a person’s ability to create new, and creativity is a realization of this ability. Therefore, to identify creativity with creativity is unlawful. Creativity is determined by the makings of a person, social conditions and personal characteristics. The makings and social conditions in this determination, in our opinion, play a decisive role, and a decisive role for personal characteristics. The creative process is considered in the unity of psychological and sociocultural approaches to it. The creative process begins not with the formulation of the problem, but with the prerequisites for it – the needs of society and the individual in innovations and the possibilities of creating them. It ends not in the subjective way of the new, but in the oral, written, speech, and production objectification of it and the consumption of a new product. In the course of consumption (consumer activity), the real truth and value of a creative product is revealed. Knowledge of the nature of creativity is a methodology for studying creativity in education.
Key words: Creative process; creative activity; nature of creativity; creative thinking; imagination; creativity; socio-culture; psychology of creativity.
For citation
Bayluk, V. V. About the Nature of Creativity (Analytic and Synthetic Approach) / V. V. Bayluk // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №1. – P. 13-27. DOI 10.26170/po20-01-02.